Marriage is a relationship that needs to be fostered and created throughout the life time of the marriage. Marriage is a commitment where feelings develop over time, spouses tend to accept each other’s differences and habits, having a companion to support (Emotionally, Physically, Mentally and Morally) each other in Good, Bad or Ugly time.
Arranged marriages or planned marriages have been a debatable subject. Many of the youth have a pretty major misunderstanding and a fairly negative attitude regrading arranged marriages. History has proven that Arranged Marriages are indeed a healthy and happier form of love rather than the kind of feelings that are temporary. They give the youth time and ability to enjoy their youth without the constant struggle of relationships that the dating culture brings. Arranged Marriages are not forced marriages, in reality before the marriage becomes official the potential bride and groom have the opportunity to meet each other and decide whether or not a relationship is something that they would wish to pursue. There is usually a period of months or even a year or more after the couple are engaged and before the wedding, where the couple get to know each other, meet, talk and discuss the future. This time after the engagement to the wedding day is sort of the dating period for the couple.
We at Aadya want the prospective brides and grooms to understand that a relationship, a marriage is much more than a lavish candle light dinner followed by a steamy night – it also includes making breakfast the next morning, washing dishes and clothes, cleaning the house, and going for boring grocery shopping! Weather it is arranged or love marriage what most people fail to realize is that compatibility, love, trust and adjustment pave way for forming the most lasting unions and marital success has little to do with how the alliance was formed. “Marriage is something where you start knitting your life along with the other person and you discover new things about your partner every day. In arranged marriages, you discover these things after getting married, which further add to the mystery and the charm, whereas in love marriages, you already know a lot about your partner.”
We will try to find the right choices and are even willing to provide insights and coach the kids of the relationship that they are getting into and how they should cultivate a positive approach.